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Scientific Name: Crataegus monogyna
Common Names: Hawthorn Berry, Mayblossom, whitethorn, Red Haw
Family: Rosaceae
Part Used: Flowers, leaves, berries
Habitat: Native to Newfoundland, grows in woodland borders in thickets
Benefits: heart tonics, tradition says it provided the Crown of Thorns, dilates coronary arteries, boost energy , decreases lactic acid, improving pumping capacity, insomnia, digestive aid, sore throat
Scientific Name: Lawsonia inermis Syn. syn. L. alba
Common Names: Henna, Hina
Family: Lythraceae
Part Used: leaves
Habitat: Native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australasia
Benefits: natural hair color, dye, used in body art
Scientific Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa
Common Names: Hibiscus, Roselle, Jamaica Sorrel, red sorrel, agua de Jamaica
Part Used: flower
Habitat: Tropical regions worldwide
Benefits: medicinal teas, natural red dye, antioxidant, diuretic, laxative, weight loss, antibacterial, anticancer
Holy Basil
Scientific Name: Ocimum Sanctum
Common Names: Tulsi, Sacred basil, Surasa, Tulasi, Kemangen
Family: Lamiaceae
Part Used: Leaves, Stems
Habitat: native to India
Benefits: reduces stress, anxiety, depression, enhance cerebral circulation, improve memory
CAUTION: Avoid if taking blood thinners
Scientific Name: Cyclopia spp
Common Names: HoneyBush
Family: Fabaceae
Part Used: leaves, stems, flowers
Habitat: Native to South Africa
Benefits: Vitamin C, potassium, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, weight loss
Scientific Name: Lonicera periclymenum
Common Names: Honeysuckle, jin yin hua, lonicera
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Part Used: Aerial parts
Habitat: grows widely in North America
Benefits: cold, reduce inflammation, fever, respiratory infection, inflammation, gastrointestinal tract, arthritis, high blood pressure, detox, cuts, wounds, rashes
CAUTION: flowers are low in toxicity, the fruits, leaves, and stems are more toxicÂ
Scientific Name: Hoodia Gordonii
Common Names: Hoodia
Habitat: Native to African Kalahari Deserts
Benefits: appetite suppressant
Scientific Name: Humulus Lupulus
Common Names: Hops
Family: Cannabaceae
Part Used: Flowers
Habitat: Found in Europe, Asia cultivated throughout temperate zones for use in brewing beer.
Benefits: sedatives, stimulate digestion, brewing beer, pain, muscle relaxant, anti-anxiety
Scientific Name: Marrubium vulgare L.
Common Names: Horehound, White horehound, marrubio
Family: Lamiaceae
Part Used: Aerial parts
Habitat: Native to Morocco, Europe, North America
Benefits: cough, cold, stimulates digestion, gas, pain, nervous system stimulant
CAUTION: Avoid if pregnant, nursing, mothers, children, elderly
Scientific Name: Aesculus hippocastanum
Common Names: Horse Chestnut, Buckeye
Family: Hippocastanaceae
Part Used: Bark, seed, leaf
Habitat: Native to central Asia
Benefits: supports circulatory system, anti-inflammatory , astringent, cellulite, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, wrinkles, cold, congestion, skin conditions
CAUTION: Avoid if pregnant
Scientific Name: Armoracia rusticana Syn. Cochlearia armoracia
Common Names: Horseradish root
Family: Brassicaceae
Part Used: root, leaves
Habitat: Cultivated worldwide
Benefits: digestive stimulant, congested sinuses, antibiotic properties, colds, diuretic, UTI, gout, arthritis, antibacterial, herpes, cold sores, scabies.
Scientific Name: Hyssopus officinalis
Common Names: Hyssop
Family: Lamiaceae
Part Used: Flowers, leaf, oil
Habitat: Native to France
Benefits: expectorant, antiviral, respiratory conditions, influenza, colds, bronchitis, anxiety, digestive stimulant, insect repellent, herpes, sedative