Bus Conversions



What is Bus Conversion Living?

Bus Conversion living is full-time living in a converted bus. Converted buses can come in all different sizes and style. You can either convert one yourself or find on already converted. Bus living is considered a type of tiny living. A way to customize the place your gonna live, according to your needs and desires.


The cost of a converted bus can range from very cheap to really expensive depending on what you wish to have in your bus, and what you can do yourself. You can make it as simpke or as fancy as you like. The design and style is only limited to your imagination.



  • Freedom to travel in your home
  • Customize the bus the way you wish
  • Put personal touches in the bus
  • Energy efficient, use solar panels
  • No morgage payment
  • Live simple lifestyle
  • Spend quality time with family
  • Cheaper choice than most RV’s
  • Environmentally friendly




  • Small area for living
  • Hard to find parking if large
  • Driving a large bus may be difficult
  • Building your dream bus takes learning new skills
  • Building bathrooms and kitchen may require help
  • limited water supply
  • keeping organized may be hard
  • Travel may get old and tiring
  • Repair can be expensive
  • Most thing need customized to fit whatever bus you choose