• Exercise regularly
  • Keep affected area elevated
  • Massaging the swollen area enables drainage of fluid. Use firm, but gentle movements and direct your strokes towards the heart.
  • Wear compression gloves or stockings, they maintain pressure on the affected areas and stop the fluid from accumulating.
  • Reducing salt intake
  • Drink fresh cucumber juice every day
  • Drink a cup of dandelion green tea, 3 x day
  • Apply cold or warm compress to affected area
  • Warm mustard oil helps to alleviate swelling
  • Drink apply apple cider vinegar and water daily
  • Add 2 tablespoons coriander seeds to boiling water/steep/strain/drink
  • Apply ice pack/bag of frozen peas or corn work well, to affected area
  • sprinkle flax seed powder over food or apply flax seed oil to area
  • Drink plenty of water every day, to flush out toxins
  • Avoid: processed foods and junk food
  • Refrain from caffeinated and carbonated beverages, instead drink fresh fruits and vegetables juices
  • Edema can be aggravated in extreme temperatures such as very cold or hot weather. Sudden changes in temperature can also worsen the condition. Therefore, avoid taking hot showers or baths. Saunas should also be avoided.


  • Massage lemon juice all over your skin
  • Apply fresh cabbage juice to face, let dry, rinse with warm water
  • Massage a paste of rose water, honey and turmeric in skin, to remove dead skin and prevent wrinkles
  • Mash a ripe papaya and apply the pulp to the face and neck
  • Apply egg whites mixed with coconut oil to the face and let it dry before rinsing off
  • Apply pineapple juice all over the skin, leave it on 5 minutes, rinse off
  • Regular facial massages with oils such as vitamin E oil, castor oil or coconut oil can help prevent dehydration of the skin, the strong strokes of a massage help prevent permanent lines and drooping skin
  • Diet: fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, olive oil, sardines, salmon, eggs, chickpeas, broad beans, lima beans, peaches, citrus, spinach, eggplant, celery, leeks, garlic, cantaloupe, apricots, carrots, sweet potatoes, avocados, berries, whole grain, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, radish, kale, and watercress
  • Foods to avoid: Saturated fats, red meat, processed meats, carbonated drinks, alcohol, refined sugar, white flour
  • Exercise 30min 4 x week
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
  • Avoid the sun and wear appropriate SPF sunscreen
  • Stop smoking
  • Use moisturizer daily
  • Apply avocado oil daily
  • Apply preparation H cream to wrinkles
  • Take 6 almonds, soak in raw milk for 12 hours, peal almonds cover and make a paste with milk cream, apply, let dry, rinse off