• Freeze a banana, then let baby sooth her gums
  • Let baby suck on cold washcloth
  • Try putting water in a baby bottle, freeze the bottle upside down (so the water is frozen at the nipple)
  • Offer a teething biscuit
  • Stick a spoon in the fridge for a few hours, let baby have at it. The cold metal against the gums will feel great
  • Cold foods
  • Refrigerate a bagel, good for babies to gum on
  • Let baby gum on peel cleaned full size carrot
  • Orajel and Anbesol
  • Gently massage baby’s gums
  • Keep baby’s mind off his or her gums
  • Chewing helps teeth work their way through the gums, any object that is clean, nontoxic, chewable, and too large to block airway should it get swallowed
  • Freeze a pickle, best for babies over 1 year old
  • Slices of cold peaches in a feeding teether
  • Freeze breast milk in cubes, put in a teething feeder or freeze around a pacifier in a cube tray
  • Cold celery sticks
  • Frozen pineapple in a teething feeder
  • Rub a slice of peeled ginger root on baby’s gums
  • Breast milk slushy
  • Fruit juice slushy
  • Put a little Pure vanilla extract (not imitation) on a Q-tip and rub on gums
  • Frozen waffles
  • Freeze baby teethers
  • A semi-frozen washcloth
  • Hylands Teething Tablets-Hylands Teething Tablets is the most well-known of the homeopathic teething medications, contains chamomile, coffee cruda, and belladonna
  • Camilia is benzocaine, paraben, and belladonna-free. (It’s vegan) They come in in single-use liquid doses that you squeeze out into your baby’s mouth
  • Boiron’s Camilia is a combo of: German chamomile, Poke, and Rhubarb, Together, helps alleviate baby teething pain associated with sore gums (chamomile), irritability (poke) and tummy troubles (rhubarb)
  • Apply clove or peppermint essential oil to gums. Essential oils are extremely potent, so you should always blend them with a pure carrier oil like coconut oil before applying


  • Apply raw garlic puree to area
  • Apply onion to area
  • Apply moistened tea bag to gum
  • Soak a cotton ball with a few drops of clove oil and place this on the affected tooth or inside the tooth cavity for instant pain relief
  • Chew on a few whole cloves to release the oil
  • Rinse mouth with a warm salt water
  • Applying cold compress to outside of cheek just outside the area of pain
  • Dab some whiskey to area
  • For severe toothache, make a tincture using tea tree oil, clove, cayenne & peppermint. Apply with a Q-tip as often as necessary
  • Take a pinch of salt and apply directly to the painful area.
  • Rub tooth with alcohol for about five minutes, (don’t swallow)
  • Rinse mouth with Listerine
  • Put 1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves in 1 cup boiling water/ steep/cools/ swish it around your mouth, then spit it out or swallow
  • Swish and spit a mouthful of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, rinse
  • Place small ice cube in a plastic bag, wrap a thin cloth around the bag, and apply it to the aching tooth for about 15 minutes to numb the nerves
  • Place ice pack on cheek over painful tooth
  • Rinse mouth with myrrh tincture, simmer 1 teaspoon powdered myrrh in 2 cups water/steep/strain/cool
  • Asafetida: Add 1/2 teaspoon powdered asafetida to 2 teaspoons lemon juice, warm slightly, apply solution to affected area with Q-tip
  • Chew a few guava leaves until juice starts working on affected tooth
  • Chew a few raw spinach leaves until juice starts working on affected tooth
  • Extract the juice of wheatgrass, use it as a mouthwash
  • Apply a few grains of cayenne pepper to your affected tooth
  • Make a paste by mixing water and cayenne pepper, apply to tooth
  • Soak cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, hold cotton ball to affected tooth and gums for few minutes, repeat as needed
  • Apply a piece of raw potato, hold it against aching tooth
  • Soak cotton call with fresh lime juice, hold to affected tooth
  • Drinking fresh lemon juice daily
  • Rinse mouth with fresh lemon juice
  • Rub aching tooth with fresh lemon juice and salt
  • Soak cotton ball with a few drops of peppermint oil, dab on aching tooth
  • Soak cotton ball with a few drop of tea tree oil, dab on aching tooth
  • Chew on a fresh plantain leaf
  • Apply a paste of baking soda and salt to aching tooth