• Drink raw potato juice, to prepare cut potatoes into thin slices, without peeling the skin, place cold water overnight, drink daily
  • One cup of green juice, extracted from any green leafy vegetable, mixed in equal proportions with carrot, celery, and red beet juices is good for arthritis
  • Drink a cup of fresh pineapple juice
  • A teaspoon of black sesame seeds, soaked in a quarter cup of water and kept overnight, has been found to be effective in preventing frequent joint pains. The water in which the seeds are soaked should also be taken along with the seeds first thing in the morning.
  • Wear copper ring, bracelet or copper infused clothing
  • Diet: garlic, Bananas, lime, fresh fruits and vegetables,
  • Drink the juice of one lime, diluted with water daily
  • Drink Tea: alfalfa,
  • castor oil: boil 2 tablespoons castor oil, pour into glass of fresh orange juice and taken before breakfast daily
  • Massage warm coconut oil or mustard oil into affected area
  • Drink lots of fluids
  • The natural iodine in sea water is said to relieve arthritis pain
  • Yoga is one of the most effective treatments for arthritis
  • Turmeric and ginger: add 1 teaspoon turmeric and ginger to 2 cups water/steep 15min/strain/add honey/drink
  • Soak in warm/hot bath, add Epsom salt/sea salts and essential oils
  • Magnesium: Eat foods that are high in magnesium, which include dark leafy greens, nuts, and beans
  • Drink Tea: dandelion
  • Add 1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses to a cup of warm milk/water
  • Exercise will help control weight and strengthen muscles that support joints. Try walking, swimming, stationary bike
  • Mix 10 drops peppermint and eucalyptus oil, 2 tablespoons of carrier oil (olive, almond, grape seed, etc.), store in dark glass bottle, apply to affected area
  • Drink juniper berry tea (Do NOT drink juniper berry tea while pregnant)
  • Golden Raisins & Gin: Gins flavor is derived from juniper berries which contain anti-inflammatory properties. Only golden raisins. Cover golden raisins with enough gin to just barely cover them, cover with towel, store in dark place until gin has evaporated (around 2 weeks.) Eat 10 raisins daily
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid pectin with 8 oz. of grape juice and drink 1-2 times daily. It will take a week or two for the effects to show
  • Apply capsaicin ointment


  • Increase calcium intake
  • Physical fitness and regular exercise is essential to strengthen and improve the health of your bones, walking, jogging, swimming
  • Resistance exercises, with free weights or stretch bands
  • Balance exercises like Pilates and yoga.
  • Workouts on stationary bicycles or rowing machines
  • Black cohosh may provide an alternative to supplemental estrogen
  • Red clover may help restrict bone loss
  • Diet: dairy products, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, leafy green vegetables, spinach, collard greens, salmon, sardine, beans, peanut butter, apples, pears, grapes, dates, raisins, peaches, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, figs,
  • Avoid: junk food, fried food, oily foods, processed and refined foods
  • Stop smoking
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Reduce risk of falls and injuries that could result in debilitating fractures
  • Avoid sedative medications
  • Avoid going for walks when the weather acts up, such as on an icy or rainy day
  • Fit bathrooms with bars or railings to minimize the risk of slipping and falling
  • Wear well fitted supportive footwear
  • Drink a cup of pineapple juice
  • Tofu is showing promise as a potential bone strengthener
  • Maintain a healthy weight


  • Drink a glass warm water and lemon juice/ honey every morning
  • Drink 3 cups green tea or ginger tea everyday as this helps boost both digestion and metabolism
  • Eat raw tomatoes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning
  • Concentrate on eating high fiber carbohydrate based foods such as wholegrain bread, pastas and rice in the right quantity. Eat at least 5-6 portions of fresh vegetables and fruits every day
  • Drink fresh lime juice in water daily
  • Exercise regularly, 30 min 5 x week
  • Physical activities: walking, swimming, jogging, climbing, cycling or anything that keeps you moving
  • Quit smoking
  • Eliminate White Grain Food
  • Smaller Meals at Regular Intervals: Eating in small quantities at regular intervals can be a very good idea for losing weight naturally
  • Drink lots of water
  • Eliminate Fast Food
  • Mushrooms are often turned to as a meat substitute, because they can fill a similar role in your diet, but they are a low-calorie and low-fat alternative
  • Skip the Salty Snacks – High-sodium foods might be exactly what you crave when you are on a diet, but salt causes your body to retain water, and increases your blood pressure, making you feel exhausted and more likely to sit on a couch and snack even more
  • Olive Oil increase energy and eliminate dangerous cholesterol that can exacerbate
  • Switch from Sugar to Honey
  • Honey with lemon and warm water is a good way to start your day
  • Drink Green tea
  • Cabbage can be added to vegetable juices and salads for effective weight loss to take place
  • Avoid Sodas and Diet Drinks
  • No Crash Diets